Edmonton, Alberta

Bergman, Edmonton

Although Bergman is a slightly compact neighbourhood from a total area standpoint, potential home buyers shouldn’t have much trouble locating more than a few desirable options worth strong consideration at any given time. Single-family homes dominate the local housing landscape in the Bergman neighbourhood and range in style from small cottage-style houses to traditional two-storeys with a front-loading garage.

Bergman Real Estate Stats

Average Price $0
Lowest Price $0
Highest Price $0
Total Listings 0
Avg. Price/SQFT $0

Property Types (active listings)

Calculated by Real Estate Webmasters and are for illustration purposes only, accuracy is not guaranteed

The character of Bergman is created from two distinct periods of construction; one very grid like, and the other curvilinear with cul de sac street patterns creating a very unique neighbourhood.

Bergman Homes for Sale

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