Northeast Edmonton

Eaux Claires, Edmonton

Residential construction began in the late 1990s in Eaux Claires, and was still underway as of 2010. The road system enables easy access to the neighbourhood. Pedestrian pathways and linkages are included throughout the neighbourhood and with neighbouring Belle Rive. Eaux Claires also includes a central park/school site in addition to other small parks and stormwater management ponds.

Eaux Claires Real Estate Stats

Average Price $194K
Lowest Price $170K
Highest Price $250K
Total Listings 5
Avg. Days On Market 70
Avg. Price/SQFT $217

Property Types (active listings)

Calculated by Real Estate Webmasters and are for illustration purposes only, accuracy is not guaranteed

Eaux Claires Homes for Sale

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All Listings $100,000 - $200,000 $200,000 - $300,000

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