Northwest Edmonton

Lorelei, Edmonton

Lorelei is named for castle site on the Rhine in Germany and features a large recreation open space located around Lorelei's two elementary schools. A number of pathways promote pedestrian and bicycle travel through the neighbourhood. Almost 60% of the households contain children. Overall, 87% of the population is younger than 50.

Lorelei Real Estate Stats

Average Price $297K
Lowest Price $215K
Highest Price $435K
Total Listings 4
Avg. Days On Market 14
Avg. Price/SQFT $295

Property Types (active listings)

Calculated by Real Estate Webmasters and are for illustration purposes only, accuracy is not guaranteed

Lorelei Homes for Sale

Click the links below to sort results by price range.
All Listings $200,000 - $300,000 $300,000 - $400,000
$400,000 - $500,000

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